Frank P. Filipps
Mr. Filipps has served as an Independent Director since February 2013. From 2005 to July 2008, Mr. Filipps served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Clayton Holdings, Inc., a mortgage services company, leading it through its initial public offering and listing on the Nasdaq, as well as its subsequent sale. Prior to that, Mr. Filipps was employed by the Radian Group, Inc., spending two years as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, one year as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and 10 years as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In his time with the Radian Group, Inc., Mr. Filipps led the company through its initial public offering and listing on the NYSE. Prior to his tenure with the Radian Group, Inc., Mr. Filipps spent 17 years with American International Group, Inc. (“AIG”) (NYSE: AIG), where he held multiple Vice President-level positions and was the President, Chief Executive Officer and founder of AIG Capital Corporation, the first non-insurance financial company within AIG, which focused on interest rate swaps, foreign exchange and equity arbitrage and leveraged buyout bridge financing. Mr. Filipps has served as a director and the chair of the audit committee of Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. (NYSE Amex: IMH) since 1995, as a director of Primus Guaranty, Ltd. (NYSE: PRSG) from 2002 through 2014 and as chair of its compensation committee from 2002 to 2006 and its nominating and corporate governance committee from 2007 to 2011. Mr. Filipps has also served as a director of Ready Capital Corporation (f/k/a Sutherland Asset Management Corp.) (NYSE: RC) since 2014. He has also served as a director and chairman of the governance committee of Fortegra Financial Corp. (NYSE: FRF) from 2010 through 2014 and as chair of its nominating and governance committee from 2010 to 2011 and its compensation committee since 2012. None of the institutions mentioned in this paragraph is our parent, subsidiary, or affiliate. As a result of these professional and other experiences, Mr. Filipps has particular financial and business expertise, a diversified management background and extensive experience with real estate-related and mortgage services companies and as a director of other public companies that strengthens the Board of Director’s collective knowledge, capabilities and experience.